This page will detail info regarding the episode that's titled
"Wormhole" but it will only detail the new footage, it will not focused
on the stuff that is adapted from Dekaranger episodes.
Mora's Monster
Zeltrax and T-drones
Mora's 3 Monsters are behind Gruumm

The 3 monsters are now outside

Monster with Red Eyee

Green Monster

Monster with Red Gloves

Blue and Pink Strikers

Yellow's Saber
Kira's Thundermax Saber, Z's Rod and Syd's Rod

Z's Deltamax Striker, Syd's Deltamax Striker and Kira's Thundermax

Omega Ranger and White Ranger, White Ranger is armed with his Drago

Shield of Triumph
SPD Battlizer and Triassic Ranger

Triassic Ranger, armed with the Shield of Triumph in Sword Mode

S.P.D. Battlizer Sonic Mode and Conner's Dino Thunder Triassic Ranger

Z-Rex Blaster Super Mode

Z-Rex Blaster Super Mode and K-9/Canine Cannon